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Yehoshua 19-24 (perek summaries)

Written by Anonymous

Nach summary:

19: the territories of Shimon, Zevulun, Yissachar, Asher, naftali and DAn are detailed. None of the tirbes actually succeed in conqueing this territory for centuries, with Dan in particular seeking other areas. Yehoshua is given Timnath Serah by the people.

20: Yehoshua is instucted with regards to the Arei Miklat; the law is repeated, and the cities are chosen.

21: The different cities of the Cohanim and Leviim are detailed. The division is concluded.

22:Yehoshua farewells the tribeswho are returning to the other side of the Yarden. He reminds them to stick to the mitzvot.
The tribes then build a mizbeach, in apparrent violation of the law that forbids sacrifices across the Yarden. The nation sends Pinchas and tribal leaders to the 2.5 tribes, who explain that the mizbeach is there as an ‘Ed,’ a witness for the people taht they belong to the one nation and came out of Egypt together

23: Yehoshua farewellls the nation and effectively summarises his life, detailing for the nation what he has done- alloted portions, conquered the land and set out the country before them. He then details to them again not to do avodah zarah and not to intermarry.

24: Yehoshua warns the nation at Shechem that they must not serve idols and details the consequences. The nation declare once more that they will not serve idols and recognise Hashem as the one who took them out of Egypt. Yehoshua gives a summary of the history of the Exodus up till then.

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