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What would you choose??

Written by Benjamin A Rose

Wealth, Ruach HaKodesh, or Children Who Are Tzaddikim?

In the Shaar HaKavonos of the Arizal it says that when the Chazzan lingers on the word “Ayei” Mikom Kivodo in Kedusha of Musaf you can have in mind one of three wishes that will be granted. Either you can ask for Ruach HaKodesh, great wealth, or children who are tzaddikim.

The Arizal cautions that you can only ask for one and not all three so you must choose carefully. Rav Shimshon Pincus gives advice to those who are stumped by the dilemma. First of all he says do not waste you precious request asking for Ruach HaKodesh. Even if you were granted Ruach HaKodesh since we are not worthy enough it would not settle on us much like if someone were to pour a gallon of Cola into a 5 ounce cup. It is pointless.

Children or Money? That is up to you. What did Rav Pincus choose? He used to tell his kids, “Please be good I gave up a fortune for you!

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