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Has anyone seen Eliyahu Hanavi?

Anyone Seen Eliyahu Hanavi Lately?

Last week I merited being in company with Eliyahu Hanavi! Actually many of us have the merit, it’s just that sometimes we do not realise it.
Our sages tell us that Eliyahu Hanavi attends every Brit Mila!
At the Brit, The Mohel normally recites a verse in our Parsha.
“G-d spoke to Moshe saying: Pinchas, son of Elazar, son of Aharon the Kohen turned back my wrath from upon the children of Israel, when he zealously avenged Me among them… Therefore, say: Behold! I give him “Briti Shalom” my covenant of peace”.

Why is it that we mention these verses and what is the connection between Pinchas and the Brit Mila?
The Yalkut Shimoni and Pirkei D’Rabbi Eliezer both state that Pinchas the Kohen and Eliyahu HaNavi were the same person.
Rashi (Baba Metzia 114b) states that Pinchas was described as acting zealously for G-d and Eliyahu describes himself as acting zealously for G-d (Kings 19:10) therefore Eliyahu is assumed to be Pinchas. They both shared the same act of zeal.
Pinchas was a man who through his desire and love of Hashem, was able to stop a deadly plague from wiping out Am Yisrael.
The public idolatry at Baal Peor coupled with the heathen orgy caused Jewish existence to be in a state of turmoil. Pinchas’ act shocked the people back into religious reality and enabled them to reconnect to G-d. This is the meaning of Hashem’s reward of “Shalom”, for Shalom is defined as wholeness – a connection between parties. In this case, the parties were Hashem and the Jews.
Similarly, Eliyahu Hanavi showed his zeal and love of Hashem.

The Vilna Gaon (Biur Hagra Y.D. 265:43) writes that the source for the practice to designate a chair for Eliyahu Hanavi is the Pirkei D’Rabbi Eliezer (29). This Midrash relates that the Jewish People faithfully kept the Mitzva of Brit Milah until the Kingdom of Israel split into two halves. The wicked leaders of the Northern Kingdom, Achav and Ezevel, forbade their subjects to practice Brit Milah. Eliyahu Hanavi, in response, announced that it would not rain until Achav and Ezevel rescinded the anti-Milah decree. Ezevel ordered Eliyahu killed for this, and Eliyahu was forced to flee. Hashem appeared to Eliyahu and told Eliyahu that He will reward him for his zealotry in this situation and in killing Zimri Ben Saluh. Eliyahu’s reward will be having a seat of honour designated for him at every Brit Milah.
Eliyahu Hanavi serves as a powerful role model of unswerving devotion to Hashem and His Torah and willingness to risk one’s life for Torah and the Jewish People.
The Gemara (Shabbat 130a) notes that Jews have traditionally risked their lives in the face of government decrees forbidding Milah.

Even in our generation we have witnessed Tsadikim that are prepared to give their life to make sure that Jews stay connected to Hashem. There was a famous Mohel – Rabbi Bronstein, who used to travel to the Soviet Union on his American passport and clandestinely performed tens of thousands of Brit Mila until the KGB caught him and placed him in a Soviet prison. The Soviets released him after he suffered a serious heart attack and President Carter pressured Premier Brezhnev for Rabbi Bronstein’s release. Due to Rabbi Bronstein’s heroic efforts, tens of thousands of Jews established a connection to Judaism that they otherwise could not have done.
The Brit Mila is also a covenant representing our connection with Hashem. From the early age of 8 days, we show our commitment to Hashem and His Mitsvot, and live with the sign for the rest of our lives. It is at this stage in life that Eliyahu Hanavi pays us a visit. He is there to tell us that just as we have performed this mitzvah at a time of uncertainty, a time where we are in our infancy where we do not know to which path we will go, so too must we act with all our Mitsvot and servitude of Hashem. If we accept this idea, then we too shall merit Beriti Shalom – peace – that connection between Hashem and us.

The prophet (Malachi 3:24) states that at the end of days Hashem will send us Eliyahu Hanavi. Veheshiv Lev Avot Al Banim Velev Banim Al Avotam – And he will return the heart of the fathers to the children and the heart of the children to their father.
Why is it that Hashem chooses to send Eliyahu to perform this act?
The time of redemption will be an uncertain one. We see it nowadays, Olam Hafuch – an upside down world. Israel on one side, chastised by the nations. The righteous suffer whilst the wicked enjoy. Crime is rife, violence is setting new highs. Yet, one who keeps his calm amongst the storm, one who remembers that a bright light shines best during uncertainty, and clings to Hashem, will see it through to the end.

It is for this reason that the prophet states, Veheshiv Lev Avot Al Banim Velev Banim Al Avotam. This refers in particular to our generation, a generation where great grandparents were big Talmidei Chachachim yet their grand children due to the wars and the uprooting from their countries have been led astray. They will be brought back, their children, learning in Torah institutions will bring them back. And those whose children unfortunately stray due to the influences of our generation will also eventually be brought back by their righteous parents, in order that we all merit the Geula Kerova. Eliyahu is chosen, as he epitomises the symbol of zeal and steadfast in the uncertain world. He has proved his connection to Hashem in the past, he attends every Brit and has seen our connection to Hashem throughout the generations, it will be he who will eventually herald the redemption bringing about a Briti Shalom for all of us may it be soon in our days Amen.
Lirfuat Moshe Ben Raya
Shabbat Shalom
R. Shaul Yonatan Tawil