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We love you orlah!

One of the many mitzvos we find in our sedra is the mitzvah of orlah (see 19:23). The basic idea is that fruit that grows in the first three years is biblically forbidden to eat. The fruit of the fourth year are taken to Yerushalayim and eaten there. What’s the idea behind this mitzvah of orlah? There are several ideas found amongst the Rishonim. The Ibn Ezra and Ramban write that the fruit of the first three years is physically deficient – it does not have the complete nutrients, smell, and taste – and actually can cause damage to the body. The Ramban adds that there is a certain comparison between orlah and bikurim in that we want to offer our produce to HaShem before we enjoy them; it’s a form of gratitude to HaShem for giving us such a yield. However, since the fruit of the first three years is deficient, we wait until the fourth year so we can offer the real, healthy fruits to HaShem. Another angel is provided by the Rambam (Moreh Nevuchim 3:37). The Rambam writes that back in the day, magicians used to think they had ways of making trees yield fruit quicker, and they used to offer these fruits to their idols. Thus, to avoid and dispel such notions, the Torah tells us to stay away from such fruit during the first three years of yield. The Sefer Hachinuch (mitzvah 247) shines some new light on this mitzvah – specifically focussing on the mass convergence upon Yerushalayim in the fruits’ fourth year. The fact that we must go to the Mikdash – the place of Torah – to have an opportunity to learn Torah there. Furthermore, we receive a certain degree of blessing there in the place of the source of blessing.