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Yeshaya 25-30 and when political noise is not enough?

Sefer Yeshaya Perakim 25-30

1) Perek Summaries

Perek 25: Praise of HaShem for keeping His word with us. Our joy when HaShem beats our enemies who come to wage war on Yerushalayim (the war of Gog U’Magog in Moshiach times), and the spiritual greatness/ closeness to HaShem of those times.

Perek 26: Again, the joy of time of Moshiach and the resurrection of the dead.

Perek 27: HaShem’s punishment of nations and Hsis guarding over Bnei Yisrael. The ingathering of the exiles

Perek 28: Reprove of the wicked ones amongst Ephraim and their consequences. Then moves on to the wicked people amongst the tribes of Yehudah and Binyamin.

Perek 29: Another mention of HaShem’s miraculous smiting of the huge enemy army of Assyria, who waged war against Jerusalem, after a successful campaign in the rest of Israel. Judgment of the wicked and redemption.

Perek 30: Reproof of Israel for relying on Egypt’s help over that of HaShem. Prophecy about the end of days and HaShem’s vengeance against Assyria.

2) Short Dvar Torah

This is a practical and contemporarily relevant one. In perek 30, the Navi reports HaShem’s anger at the Jewish people for asking Egypt for military help against the invading army. What was so wrong here? The Metzudas David comments that this was considered a rebellion against HaShem, for ‘they asked [help] of Pharaoh and did not ask [help] from HaShem.’ The message for us is clear in our current situation. Political noise and rallies are great and might have an impact. But if this is not coupled with soliciting help from HaShem (special davening, learning Torah etc) then HaShem looks at this as us showing Him disrespect. What does this say about our commitment to and faith in HaShem if we rely on governments to save us more than we rely on Him?