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Why do we have to learn all these non aggadic parts of the Torah??

A young boy asked me the question a few weeks ago, and i’ll tell you the truth I have asked similar questions myself….

The Gemorah (Menachos 110)says that one who learns the Parsha of Olah is considered as if he brought a Korban Olah; and so is true by all the Korbonos. Rabaynu Bachye adds that one who learns about the vessels of the Mishkan and the Bigdai Kehunah and understands how they looked with all their details, it is as if he built the Mishkan and caused the Shechinah to dwell among Klal Yisroel. One should not say that these parshios are not important since the Mishkan and the Bais haMikdash are not in existence today; rather he should delve in to the Niglah and Nistar of their construction and it will be as if he is helping construct the mishkan,use the vessels, wear the clothing, offer the korbanos etc.