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Take tzedokah!

The possuk states “ViYikchu Li terumah – And you shall take for me a seperation”

Many Meforshim ask why the possuk says “Viyikchu – and you shall take” or why it doesn’t use the loshon “ViNasnu – You shall give”??

The famous answer given is, one who gives Tzedoka is really on the receiving end. He ends up getting more reward than the amount of money he donated. Therefore the pasuk says, “ViYikchu” – “You shall take”, because in effect you are really taking.

The vilna Gaon says that this is a similar lesson to that in Parshas Ki Sisa, where the possuk says, “ViNasnu Ish Kofer Nafsho – you shall give..” Here the word V’NASNU spelt vov, nun, sof, nun, vov can be read forwards and backwards. This is also telling us that one who gives charity (forward) is actually on the receiving end (backwards).