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Na’seh V’Nishma – We will do and what we hear we will learn!!

In Parshas Mishpatim we see the famous response by Bnei Yisroel when they accepted the Torah. Perek 24, Pasuk 7, reads “Kol Asher Dibar Hashem Naaseh Vnishma”, “Everything that Hashem has said we will do and we will hear.” However, a question emerges as to this seemingly superfluous Pasuk, since a few Pesukim prior to this, Bnai Yisrael already agreed to follow the Torah, as it says in Pasuk 3, “Vaya’an Kol HaAm Kol Echad Vayomru Kol Hadivarim Asher Dibar Hashem Naaseh”, “And the entire people responded with one voice and they said ‘all the words that Hashem has spoken we will do.'” Rav Moshe Feinstein in his Sefer, Darash Moshe, explains the reason for this repetition. He says that when Bnei Yisroel said the first declaration, they agreed only to accept only those utterances that they knew to be said by Hashem. Hashem, however, knew this declaration to be insufficient since in later generations, certain things might be forgotten or that their underlying reasons will become distorted.

Therefore, Hashem desired that Bnei Yisroel accept also what would be said by the Chachomim of each generation. This would include both the traditions received by the Chachomim as well as their interpretation of the Torah’s meaning.

Now we can also see the reason why it says all the words of the Torah Bnei Yisroel will uphold. Not only the things specifically heard from Hashem but also things that were heard from Moshe Rabbeinu and his successors.

Also implied from this explanation is that the things that were said by Hashem do not require any extra scrutiny and analysis. We can see this from the fact that the first declaration by Bnai Yisrael does not include the word Nishma, we will hear. The second declaration, on the other hand, does include this word, which implies that those things the Chachomim tell us do require “hearing.” In other words, a process of examination and analysis is required from each and every person in order to learn and realise actually do come from Hashem.