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Curse has greater effect than blessing!

“It will be when you will go over the Yarden, you will set up these 12 stones at Har Aivol, and you will build a Mizbayach and bring Korbonos and be happy there”

R’ Moshe Feinstein asks, why were the Mizbayach and all the festivities taking place at Har Aivol? Har Aivol was the mountain that the Levim faced when they said the curses (Rashi 27:12). It would have been more appropriate to have these festivities on Har Grizim – the mountain they faced when the Brachos were said?

R’ Moshe answers, although the promise of Blessings can cause a person to head in the right direction, the Yetzer HaRa can still convince a person that the pleasure of sin will be greater than the pleasure of these blessings – causing the person to sin.

This is not so concerning a curse. The power of threatening one to be cursed with terrible suffering if he sins, will overcome his desire to sin. It is therefore more appropriate to celebrate on Har Avol than Har Grizim, because the curses at Har Aivol had a greater effect on Klal Yisroel.