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The Shema :Parshas Tzitzis

The Gemoro in B’rochos (12a) explains that it is not only in order to fulfill the mitzvah of remembering Yetzi’as Mitzrayim, that Chazal inserted Parshas Tzitzis here. For that, there are other possibilities – the Parshah of ribis (the prohibition of taking interest), or that of weights and measures – both of which make mention of Yetzi’as Mitzrayim. And besides, one could fulfill one’s obligation with the recital of ‘Emes ve’yatziv’ in the morning or ‘Emes ve’emunah’ in the evening.

The reason that Chazal chose to insert Parshas Tzitzis in the Shema is on account of the five important concepts that it contains (over and above that of Tzitzis itself): Yetzi’as Mitzrayim, the yoke of mitzvos, not to go astray after one’s heart (heresy), not to go astray after one’s eyes (immorality), and not to go astray after idolatry.

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