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the Blessing of the yetzer hora

Thank you G-d for blessing me with a yetzer hora, (evil inclination) so that everyday I have the ability to make free-will choices. Even now, I was typing this up a minute ago and Word crashed and I lost all my thoughts and notes on this topic. My yetzer horah told me to not bother re-writing it up and just go to bed. On the one hand I can do the more comfortable thing and leave it, but alternatively I can fight this and make the more uncomfortable choice because I can see that in the long-run, this choice is better. I will write up my ideas and share them with others. So thank you G-d for my yetzer hora, so that I may struggle with it and overcome it, and I will live my life by the choices I make and not the easiest, most comfortable way. When I make these often uncomfortable decisions I feel that I am really alive! I am steering my life in the direction I want it to go and I am not just a product of my animalistic needs and desires. Once you start pushing against the more comfortable option, (e.g. to stay in bed) it becomes a lot easier to do, it is that first step which is the hardest. “A small amount of light drives away a great deal of darkness.” (Tanya, Chapter 12).