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One who seeks Repentance’

talking about the brachah in the amidah for “desires teshuvah-…harotze biteshuva)” – the 4th one; kabbalistically there are 7 heavens, with spaces in between each i.e. a space between ‘nothing’ and one, between 1and2, etc…there is also an additional level between 7 and “The Throne Of Glory”. this makes up 15…which relates to the 15 words of this brachah. from this we learn that one has the ability, by doing true teshuva (repentance) and learning Torah, they have the ability to reach the highest of levels…and connect to Hashem. Each brachah is connected and has a specific place in the amidah, the brachah for wisdom/intellect precedes, we ask for the ability to have the knowledge to understand and learn Torah as well as to daven