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Forgotten Memories

 I read of an idea that you learn the whole torah in your mother’s womb then are tapped on the head by an angel pripor to birth resulting the loss of this knowledge. I was hearing a story of a pre-barmitzvah boy who during a routine dental procedure lost all of his memory, this was due to a cross reaction between two drugs administered. It turns out he had all the memories remaining but could not access them. They all required re-indexing by reexposing himself to them. Are the two analagous, I am unsure but feel that it seems difficult trying to catch up on lost years of learning and there is an infinitely deep meaning to all things in

Torah study. But perhaps all we do when we learn a new idea or read another page of gemara or chumash is reindexing or reintroducing to an idea implanted pre-natally. Incidently the boy in the story recovered full memory recall in 6 months due to constant work to re-index all his memories and knowledge!