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Purim: Laws of the Day

On Purim there are four Mitzvos which should be during Purim day. They are easily remembered by their initials, the four “M”s! Megillah – reading the Megillah, Mishloach Manos- giving presents to ones friends, Matanos La’evyonim – giving presents to the poor, Mishteh – Wining and dining!

Megillah: In the evening and in the morning we read Megillat Esther, from a scroll written in accordance with Halacha. which relates the story of Purim. Everyone including the women must listen to the Megillah, as the women played a vital role in the miracle. One should refrain from speaking from the time of the blessings before the reading, until the end of the blessings after the reading. Upon hearing the name of Haman, the custom is to bang. The reason for this is, that we are
instructed to destroy the name of Amalek. (See Deuteronomy 25:19). Nowadays the only way we can destroy them is by banging when their name is mentioned, but in a reasonable manner! Mishloach Manos: We give our friends presents. This should consist of two different types of ready to eat foods, given to two people. The reason for this custom is to increase unity amongst us, the thing which was the Jewish people lacked in the time of the Purim. It is preferable to send the package via a third party.

Matanos Laevyonim: We give a gift of money sufficient for one meal, to at least two poor people. The more the merrier! One may send the gift via a messenger. Funds must be available on the day of Purim. (No post-dated checks.)

Mishteh: We have a festive meal. Meat and wine should be served, as it says in Tehilim that wine will gladden the heart of a person. There is a commandment that on Purim we have to get drunk to the extent that we don’t know the difference between Mordechai and Haman.