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Hilchot Tefillah Uzmana (Questions)

These chazara questions and answers are based on a mishna-berura chavrusa with Ben Rose.

1. For someone who is a) forced/time-pressed and b) not time-pressed, lechatchila when should he daven shacharit?

2. Why is one bedieved yotze one’s obligation in Tefilla mishehair hamizrach?

3. When is the earliest time for Tefillin?

4. How does HaRav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach understand the time of sunrise and sunset?

5. Put the following times in order (earliest to latest) …

netz, alot hashachar, misheyakir, misheha bizmana?

9. Since there is a machloket regarding if one who didn’t daven in the first 4 hours is yotze, what special condition should he make when he davens in the 5th/6th hour?

10. From when is it forbidden to daven the Amidah?

11. When and to whom does tashlumin apply?

12. Why is it assur to say ‘Shalom’ to someone between dawn and davening shacharit?

13. Can one bless someone before davening, with the words ‘May the Merciful One have mercy on you’?

14. Under what circumstances is it permitted between dawn and shachrit, to say ‘Tzafra dmari tav’ to someone?

15. If mashkim befitcho (i.e. if you go to someone’s house to say good morning), is it ever mutar to bow to someone?

16. If ein mashkim befitcho, under what circumstances is it mutar to bow to someone?

17. According to the din, can one say shalom (between dawn and shachrit) if one bumped into someone in the street?

18. Why are we generally noheg to apply the chumra of only saying ‘tzafra demari tav’ if one bumped into someone in the street?

19. Does this chumra apply if one has said brachot?

20. When is the earliest time to say brachot?

21. If you are greeted by someone before shachrit, how may you respond?

22. If you have davened shachrit but your friend has not, can you say shalom to him even though it will require him to say shalom back?

23. Before dawn, can one do see to his needs?

24. Can one see to his needs before shachrit (from after dawn)?

25. When is it mutar to travel to another city to daven shachrit?

26. Do 23 and 24 apply to mincha/maariv?

27. Can one eat/drink before shachrit Shabbat/yom-tov/weekday and why?

28. What about a) water? b) foods/drinks for refuah? C) beer?

29. What about tea and coffee a) without sugar? B) with sugar?

30. Is someone who is starving or extremely thirsty (so much so that he can’t have kavannah in davening, is he chayav to daven, and may he eat first?

31. Can one start eating more than half an hour before dawn?

32. Can one start eating less than half an hour before dawn?

33. According to most acharonim, if one starting eating before dawn (b’heter or b’issur), must one stop when dawn comes?

34. Is it mutar for one to learn before davening?

35. Why, according to the Piskei Teshuvot, is it not only mutar to learn, but a hiddur to learn before davening?

36. Why is there a special heter for one who is teaching Torah to others to do so before davening?

37. Can one have a haircut/ go to bathhouse a) before dawn b) after dawn?

38. Can one buy food for Shabbat meals before friday Shachrit?

39. Before davening, can one shower/mikvah/prepare kids to go to learn Torah?

40. According to the mechaber, if one needs to go somewhere/ shaat dechak/ ones, is it more preferable to daven at home after mishehair and not fulfil ‘smichat geula letefilla’ (cos can’t say shema til misheyakir) or to daven on the journey and fulfil it?

41. Are most people noheg like the mechaber?