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In the Gemara in Berachos 3a a Beraiso is brought where R’Eliezer says that there are three watches. And says R’eliezer that “at each watch the HaKadosh BaruchHu sits and roars like a lion”. The verse that backs up this statement says in Yiremahu 25:30 “Hashem will Roar from on a high, and from His Holy Abode will send forth His Voice, he will Roar and Roar over his lodging” Later on in the Gemara Rav Yitzchak bar Shmuel said in the name of Rav and explains this verse. He says that the night consists of three watches and at the end of each Hashem sits and roars like a lion. He says (Hashem says): “Woe to the Children because of whose sins i destroyed My Temple and Burned My sanctuary and exiled them among the nations of the world.” What is the gemara telling us by using two phrases to describe the destruction of the Beis Hamikdosh?? Toras Chaim Commentates on this phrase in Daf 96b of Sanhedrin. He says that they are to two different things. “Destroyed my Temple” means to say that Hashem’s Shechina departed from the Temple, whereas “burned my sanctuary” refers to its actual physical destruction. Because only after Hashem’s Shechina has left can it be physically destroyed!! In Taanis 5a it states that G-d does not “reside” in his Heavenly Temple while our physical one lies in Ruins, thus they wer both destroyed at the same time! It is this last point that i would like to talk about! The point this proves is that Hashem is also in exile and in in the same period of mourning as we! When the Temple was destroyed on Earth, so was it up in Heaven. So how ever much we want to be brought out of Golus, How much more so would Hashem! This is Exactly the point! When we Repent enough to bring Moshiach, Hashem saves not only us but Himself! Who’s fault is it that the Temple was destroyed? OURS (the jewish people)!!! One of the verses above found in the gemara says that Hashem says “woe to the children because of whose sins i destroyed the Holy Temple…” It is only our failure to repent properly that Hashem can’t “move back Home” and take us all with Him with the Coming of Moshiach!! G-d Wants this more than anything, He yearns for our Prayer and repentance, and if we can cry out to him and show our regret for our sins that we have done He will bring Moshiach and restore us to our land and restore the Holy Temple! If we look in the Beracho for the coming of Moshiach – Es Tsamach Dovid – it says that we hope for YOU (Hashem) to bring the redemption, we see that we have to rely on Hashems salvation after all it oes mention the word three times! In other Berachos we dont have to do anything, Hashem does it anyway e.g. the beracho for Health it says Rofeh Choleh – Who heals the sick… We see that there is a difference in the beracho es tsamach we are HOPING that we can bring Hashem to save us, all other Berachos we know that Hashem will help us!

So what do we learn from all of this?? I learn that we Jews are what brought about the destruction of both Temples… We jews are the people who can bring about the Moshiach and the Rebuilding of Yerushalayim and the Third Temple!! We during these days have to bring Moshiach with our actions, we have to repent and be inanguish over our sins and that because of them we dont have moshiach.

We also should be happy to doing Mitzvos and all we should do each mitzvah with a smile on our face, not begrudgingly and this way Hashem Will save not only His people but Himself from Golus!