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Brachos 4 The Power Of Ashrei

Rashi summarizes and says that the great benefit
of Tehillim 145 (commonly referred to as
Ashrei), is that it is written using a format following the entire alef-bais, and that it features a statement of Hashem providing sustenance for all living creatures
(verse 16 – Poseyach es yodecho – you open your hand)

The Gr”a points out that the reason why this
chapter is specifically chosen, and not Mizmor 111, which also contains both of these features, is that in 111;5, the verse simply says that Hashem provides food for all that fear Him. In Ashrei, however, the verse indicates that all creatures receive their sustenance, conditionally. The verse does not limit this aspect of Hashem’s benevolence to only those who fear Him. This distinction also provides an explanation why Tehillim 34 is not said
daily, although it is also structured according to the alef-bais, and it also features a verse referring to food Again, the emphasis there is that Hashem guides those who fear Him with an added measure of care, while in Ashrei the focus is on Hashem’s overall supervision of all His
This, accounts for why within Ashrei itself
the verse of is chosen (v.15), and not the previous verse (v.14). In this earlier verse, the promise of sustenance is targeted and specifically aimed only at “all who look to You with hope.”
The unique feature which we wish to highlight in Ashrei is Hashem’s unlimited and complete supervision and care for all creatures. This is the theme found in verse 15, and this is why the halacha requires that one concentrate fully as it is recited.