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The kli Yakar makes it clear as day… or night

Paroh told Moshe You shall no longer see my face, for on the day that you see my face, you shall die!”.

Now after the death of the firstborn plague, Pharoah desperately needed to talk to Moshe to tell him that the Bnei Yisroel should leave Mitzrayim. He sent for Moshe but why would Moshe come? Surely Moshe remembered what Pharoah said and certainly would not show up.

The Kli Yakar answers that the answer lies inthe extra word in the pasuk. First the Pasuk says (12:30) “VaYokom Paroh Leiyla” Paroh got up in middle of the night when Makas Bechoros struck. The next pasuk says “VaYikra L’Moshe V’Aharon Leiyla”, Paroh called to Moshe and Aharon in the night. Why does the pasuk say again the word ‘Leiyla” we already know that it was the night? The extra Leiyla, explains the Kli Yakar, was Pharaoh’s answer to Moshe’s fear about Pharaoh carrying out his threat of killing Moshe. Pharoah said the “day” I see you, you will die but now it was nightime.

Alternatively says the Kli Yakar, Pharoah said the next time I see your face. Since it is night time and it is dark outside Pharaoh tried to assure them, I won’t actually see your face and therefore my threat is not applicable.