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Written by B Rose

All our pain is caused by the Satan who constantly prosecutes us before Hashem. Why does Hashem listen to his evil slander about His beloved children, Lashon Hara is assur even if it is true? The answer is that Hashem only listens to lashon hara about those who speak it themselves. If a person does not speak any lashon hara Hashem will not let the Satan dare open his mouth to speak about him. This is incredibly effective. If we refrain from lashon hara we need not beg Hashem not to punish us for our aveiros they are never even brought before him for judgment!


editor’s note : In Jewish law, a testimony always needs at least two witnesses. The satan is always one, but when we speak loshon hara about someone else, we become the satan’s second witness against this person.

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